There are many ways to support The New Historia. Join us in this enterprise by offering to build a biography or suggest additional information for an existing one. You could propose an idea for an editorial or imagine a new Pattern. Share our social media posts and suggest other subjects and platforms. Propose items for our newsletter or tell us about a new book and offer to review it. Please send your ideas for every kind of medium that enlivens the presence of the past today.

We are poised to ignite a revolution in knowing about women. Your financial support will empower us to continue building this global platform for researchers, activists, and change-makers who are painstakingly recovering women in history and through this work creating new ways to envision a more equitable future by better understanding our past.

The New Historia is many things: a network of global researchers painstakingly recovering women in history; a dynamic, growing collection of biographies that document individual female figures; and a platform for collaboration, communication, community building, and the creation of new knowledge-ordering systems.

This essential work could not exist without the generosity of so many volunteers and supporters.

Please join us!

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