

Nikhil Shah


Nikhil Shah is a high school student from Syosset, NY. As an intern at The New Historia and the nonprofit organization Remember Liss, Nikhil researches and writes about influential yet overlooked women in history. He is also a New-York Historical Society Student Historian. He works to incorporate underrepresented voices into his school’s history curriculum through his roles as Chairperson of the Student Curriculum Committee and President of the Holocaust Remembrance Day Committee. Nikhil is the President of Breaking Borders and co-founder of Syosset U.N.I.T.E., organizations dedicated to fostering inclusivity and eliminating hate through education. Nikhil also serves as the News Editor for his school’s newspaper, The Pulse. His dedication to historical scholarship and community service has earned him awards including the Norma Gold Award for Outstanding Altruism. Additionally, Nikhil is a two-time New York State Boys Tennis Team Champion and an accomplished musician.


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